
30th December 2022

Whiteout conditions on the Aonach Mor plateau today. Round the rims of Coire Dubh and Coire an lochan it was often impossible to see where the cornices ended so I mostly stayed well back. Where I did get a look both Corries were looking quite white.

The temperature rose to around 1100 metres today before starting to drop again. Showers fell as snow down to around 650 metres overnight and 950 metres around midday.  The strong South-West wind slowly increased through the day. At lower elevatins the snowpack is generally well bonded but instabilites are present in the recent windslab at higher elevations.

Looking down the Goose at Nevis range. I went on foot today but there were good snow conditions for skiing above around 900 metres and in the lee of many of the snow fences below this.

Poor visibility at 1200 metres.

Mountain hare tracks

Making use of all the uplift open today.

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