28th February 2011
Looking up into Coire na Ciste today.
Old avalanche debris below Number 5 gully. This avalanche occurred during the mild wet spell last week.

Fresh cornices at the top of Number 5 gully. You might just about be able to make out an old crown wall on the shady snow slope in the middle distance. This is probably the same avalanche for which the debris is shown in the previous picture.
It was a lovely calm and sunny day on Ben Nevis today. Lots of climbers out with teams on The Orion Face, Hadrians Wall, Point Five Gully and most of the classic ridges. Saw old debris (from last weeks thaw) below Number 2 and Number 5 gullies, but no sign of any more recent debris. This contrast a bit with Aonach Mor where there were a number of avalanches yesterday (Sunday 27th).
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