Relative Calm
22nd February 2025
Today felt relatively settled weather wise after yesterday’s storm, and before tomorrow’s storm. However, settled in this context is a relative term, it was still gusting 50mph on the gondola line and there were some squally showers coming through. It was not as mild as yesterday, what is left of the snowpack had started to refreeze on the highest tops. The showers during the day added a dusting of snow above about 1000 metres. Forecast to be a wet and very windy day tomorrow, I suspect that there won’t be too many people out and about.

The view up the Goose. Compare the to picture from yesterday, we have lost a bit of snow in the past 24 hours, but not as much as might be expected given how mild and wet it was yesterday.

The top of the ski area at an altitude of about 1200 metres. There was a dusting of fresh snow on the higher summits.
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