Storm Gerrit

27th December 2023

It was a wild day in Lochaber with Storm Gerrit passing through this morning. Ignoring the strong winds, heavy rain, fallen trees and power cuts, the most interesting thing it the rapid temperature rise the afternoon – over 3 degrees in around 2 hours leaving the freezing level at 1200m later this afternoon.

Not too many mountain pictures today (the visibility was a bit poor this morning) but have acquired some images from elsewhere which are just as interesting!

The main road through Fort William was shut for most of the day


1200m temperatures from Aonach Mor


View from he CIC/SMC Camera around 3pm


A distant view this afternoon. You would expect most of the fresh snow to be visible on this aspect of Ben Nevis but the wind has been too strong.
When this image was taken, the freezing level was quickly rising
Photo from About Fort William 1445hrs

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