White Christmas!

25th December 2022

There was fresh snow falling on Ben Nevis today above around 800 metres so I’m counting that as a white Christmas. There were localised areas of windslab mainly in higher gullies and around corrie rims but otherwise the snowpack was generally stable.

Low cloud didn’t give the bast day for photos, sorry. Wishing all a Merry Christmas.

The cloud was low as I started my walk in.

This was about as clear as it got. Carn Mor Dearg arete with Observatory Ridge and Tower Ridge on the right. Quite a clear snowline at around 800 metres.

Looking up Observatory Gully into the cloud.

Mountain hare track. We commonly see these on Aonach Mor but they’re a bit more unusual on Ben Nevis.

Comments on this post

  • Jon Eden
    25th December 2022 5:20 pm

    Happy Christmas to all of you guys at SAIS and thank you for going out every day to keep us informed.

  • Phil Marsh
    25th December 2022 6:38 pm

    I second that remark! Thanks for your efforts which are appreciated every day.

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