Sunshine above the clouds

17th December 2021

We have got great Inversion conditions in Lochaber just now. Above the blanket of cloud is sunshine!

Some interesting temperatures. These were from midday today

650m temperature was 4.5 degrees
900m temperature was 2.6 degrees
1200m temperature was 8.0 degrees

Despite the warm summit temperatures, the snow is still surprisingly frozen. This is due to the low relative humidity in the atmosphere which produces a low wet bulb freezing level. This is a fairly complex concept to understand fully, but in practical terms, the wet bulb freezing level is what dictates if the snow freezes or thaws.

South towards the hills of Glen Nevis, with Glencoe visible on the right

Ben Nevis

Looking South-East towards Ben Lawers

The Glen Affric hills poking out through the inversion layer

Looking towards Creag Meagaidh with the Cairngorms in the distance


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