
31st December 2021

Its all too easy to think that this winter has been a bit of a disaster, but a trip down memory lane suggested that this year is not that uncommon!

Looking at the midday temperatures from the summit of Aonach Mor for previous Hogmanays

2021: +3.8
2020: -2.0
2019: +4.0
2018: +3.5
2017: -0.7
2016: +3.5
2015: -3.8

Here are some images from previous Hogmanays. Some years it was even worse!!

Here is to a colder 2022, hopefully with some snow!!

31st December 2021. Aonach Mor

31st December 2020. Douglas Boulder, Ben Nevis

31st December 2019. Ben Nevis

31st December 2018. Ben Nevis

31st December 2017. Aonach Mor

31st December 2016. Ben Nevis

31st December 2015. Aonach Mor

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