Poor Vis on the Tops Again!

1st February 2018

Conditions varied significantly with heigh on the hill today. The cloud base was around 800 or 900 metres through most of the day. Above this level it was windy with very flat light and poor visibility. Below this level it was quite pleasant with some nice skiing (and no queasiness!). Looking to be a good winter day tomorrow, perhaps that will be the day I finally get a view from the top.

Significant build up of icy rime. In this case on a 6mm piece of cord. Rucsac for scale and contrast.

A rimed up sign. Easy to work out which was the wind was coming from.

Popping out the cloud at around 900 metres, it was clear below. Unfortunately the lens was not totally clear, but it shows conditions.

Snow fences at 720 metres have caught a fair bit of fresh snow.

Comments on this post

  • Ben Jammin
    1st February 2018 5:23 pm

    Dude – that’s rime,not hoar!!!!

    • lochaberadmin
      2nd February 2018 2:50 pm

      Well spotted! You are correct, it is rime and not hoar. Corrected now.

  • Ben Jammin
    2nd February 2018 5:22 pm

    Thanks for indulging my OCD !!

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