Lovely day

7th February 2009

A lovely day. A couple got engaged up here today, and another team (in the picture) seem to be having a picnic. I forgot my sandwiches today, so was very jealous.

After a cloudy moring it cleared up nicely on Aonach Mor today.It was so nice this afternoon that a couple got engaged near the top of the hill.

Tip Top conditions in Lochaber

During the last week we have had a fair amount of snow here, although not as much as in the Cairngorms. However, given the quantites of fresh snow, stability is not as bad as it could be. This is because the wind has mainly been from the North East, thus depositing the snow on South Westerly aspects. These aspects were generally quite bare before this snowfall. Some places, like Easy Gully on Aonach Mor, which are usually quite dangerous after snowfall, are in fact scoured and safe. Having said that, care is needed where the new snow has accumulated, especially as the run outs are not very good. This means that even a small slide could well have very serious consequences.

Sunday looks like being another great day, so get out there and enjoy the winter. The skiing is good. The buttresses are well hoared up, but have been reported to be a bit verglassed in places. There is a some nice ice about on the Ben. However, I imagine that walk-ins would be pretty hard going. Anyway enjoy whatever you get up to.

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