Cold and wintery, but not for long….

11th February 2019

Great visibility on the tops today and it felt decidedly wintery. However, thats not going to last too long as the freeing rises above the summits later this evening and the rain starts. Enough said!

Big cornice on Aonach Mor!

When we talk about cornices being unstable and prone to collapse, this is a good (and big) example of what we are talking about. Imagine this dropping off in the thaw, hitting the fresh snow underneath and then heading off downhill.  So you need to be mindful of what is above you at all times! And in case you are wondering, yes, this photo was taken today

Looking north from Easy Gully, Aonach Mor

Looking towards Ben Nevis

Comments on this post

  • Bluealeurone
    11th February 2019 6:46 pm

    Hope you did the honourable thing, dug a tunnel through it and topped out!

    • lochaberadmin
      12th February 2019 4:19 pm

      I’m not sure ‘honourable’ is the word I would use!

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