A return to rain
22nd March 2025
There was a change in the weather today with a return to some rain after a very dry spell in recent days. Rainfall amounts were still low, more details in the photos lower down. The freezing level remained above the summits and there is significant snow loss compared to the photos from similar locations 2 days ago. Greatest amounts now remain in areas where deepest accumulations developed such as gullies, coire rims and crag aprons, generally above 1100 metres and mostly on North to East aspects. Many of the lower hills in the Lochaber area are close to snow free. Rain overnight is forecast to turn to snow as it clears although amounts are not expected to be significant, there is likely to be a thin covering on the higher hills in our area by morning. A dry but cloudy day is forecast to follow.

Easy Gully on Aonach Mor, probably the largest area of snow on Aonach Mor and representative of the snow amounts likely to be in the top of the highest gullies on Ben Nevis.

The goose gully area of Aoanch Mor, this photo is probably more representative to snow cover in our area.

Sgurr a Mhaim in the Mamores at 1099 metres with a little snow remaining on the North to East aspects with most slopes snow free.

Data from the SEPA rainfall gauge in Glen Nevis which we often use to look at precipitation amounts. While today has seemed wetter than recent days there had only been 0.6mm of rain by 1pm today.

The monthly rainfall total for this year compared to the average in Glen Nevis. While December was much wetter (464mm compared to an average December with 278mm), it has been much drier since. January recorded 89mm compared to an average of 290mm, February recorded 212mm compared to an average of 249mm, March has recorded 42mm so far compared to an average of 190mm

The 5 day temperature data from our weather station near the summit of Aonach Mor at 1185m. While it has felt warm in the sun it was only Wednesday morning that the freezing level went above the summits and has remained there since. There has been significant snow loss over this warmer period.
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