Yet more snow

28th February 2020

More fresh snow today and a slight change in wind direction to South-South-Easterly led to a lot of snow being transported by the strong wind. Poor visibility made assessing the avalanche hazard difficult for me and makes safe mountain travel decisions difficult for everyone. Extra caution is advised when the visibility is poor.

A sizeable avalanche has been reported today in Observatory Gully on Ben Nevis and I suspect that more will have gone unseen.

Nevis Range ski area in the ‘better’ weather at the start of the day. After this visibility became very poor, the wind increased and the snowfall became more persistent.

Lots of drifting snow today. The tips of my skis are just visible at the top of the photo. It took about 5 minutes to bury the rest of them. The poles and rucksack were put down later.

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