More normal Lochaber winter weather

9th January 2021

Covid -19
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Well the cold clear crisp weather we have been experiencing lately had to come to an end at some point. Today felt like a return to more normal Lochaber winter weather. It was cloudy with snow turning to rain at most levels through the afternoon. Fresh deposits from this morning were pretty unstable were tested at just over 800 metres, and stability is unlikely to be any better at higher levels. Looking up towards Carn Dearg Buttress. This was about as good as visibility got today. 

Deep snow at 750 metres making for hard going.

Cracking below my feet. A clear sign that the fresh snow is poorly bonded.

Icy foot paths. Many foot paths below 500 metres are very icy at the moment. Above that level they tended to be covered in snow and thus tend to be less slippery.

Forestry tracks are also very icy at the moment. Who would be stupid enough to try and drive up something like this?

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