Start of the Season.
2nd December 2020
The Scottish Avalanche Information Service would recommend that those wishing to enjoy the winter mountains refer to Mountaineering Scotland and Scottish Government advice regarding Covid-19 and outdoor activities.
There was a bit of fresh snow on the Lochaber hills today. The main avalanche forecasting service begins on the 11th of December. However, with the weather forecast to remain cool with some additional fresh snow, some early forecasts will be issued for Lochaber and possibly the Northern Cairngorms depending on whether it snows there.
Although there was little fresh snow on the hills first thing, heavy showers through the day made it look a bit more wintry by afternoon. The cover is pretty superficial, and the ground not frozen on all but the highest levels. There was plenty of snow blowing around during the showers, but fresh quantities on the ground remained small. However, it is a start, and it does look like wintry will be hanging around for a few days.
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