Blue Skies at last!

26th March 2014

A very spring like feeling to being on the hill today, once the sun came out. Still feeling cool when the cloud drifts over the summits

The thaw is revealing all of the creep lines of the slowly drooping cornices. Bear this in mind during the next thaw!

The cornice “Crevasse” opening up about 8m back from the edge of Easy Gully, Aonach Mor. This is fairly typical of other cornices in the area. They are actually a hazard when walking about as you can easily break through the thin snow bridges and fall in!

Looking up at the crags on Aonach Mor. All of this snow, which has been in the morning sun, is wet and horrible to walk/climb on but quite nice to ski! Expecting it all to freeze overnight as the freezing level drops, then it will be the opposite!

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