
7th January 2024

A sunny day with some great views. I’ll let the pictures do the talking…

About to break out into the sun on Carn Mor Dearg.


Ben Nevis from Carn Dearg Meadhonach.


Carn Mor Dearg


Carn Mor Dearg arete.


The West face of Aonach Mor.


Aonach Beag


Looking over Aonach Mor to the Grey Corries.


Cloud in the Great Glen above Loch Lochy caused by a temperature inversion this morning. Temperatures (in degrees Celsius) were -4 at sea level, 0 at 600 metres and -4 at 1200 metres.



A ptarmigan on the snowline at around 700 metres. There are some patches of old snow below this.


Surface hoar. These crystals grow in cold calm conditions. Lovely to see and not a hazard in themselves but can become a weak layer if covered by further snow.


Thanks to today’s Glencoe area forecaster for this picture of Ben Nevis from the South.


And finally some zoomed in shots of the North face of Ben Nevis.

Coire Leis to Tower Ridge.


No. 2 Gully


No.3 Gully


No.4 Gully


No. 5 Gully


Comments on this post

  • jim
    7th January 2024 5:20 pm

    wow, looks like some day out today! Those gully;s are looking very tempting

    • lochaberadmin
      7th January 2024 5:42 pm

      While the gullies are climbable there’s maybe not quite as much snow in them as the pictures suggest.

  • jim
    7th January 2024 5:22 pm

    the pics really did do the talking, what a day to be out!

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