Summit cloud

6th January 2024

Apart from one very light snow shower this morning it was a dry day with light winds. An overnight freeze gave a firm snowpack at lower levels with a crust at higher elevations. A little fresh windslab is present at tops of gullies and around corrie rims on North through East to South-East aspects.

While much of Lochaber got some sunshine today the cloud stayed on the higher summits. Some photos below showing what could be seen in the clearer moments.

Aonach Mor summit – not much view!


Looking down to the col between Aonach Mor (left) and Carn Mor Dearg (right).


The North face of Aonach Beag.


Looking down Easy Gully to the lochan in Coire an Lochan.


A fresh, small but fragile cornice at the top of Easy gully.


Braveheart chair in Corrie Dubh. Although superficially white there’s not a lot of snow here as shown by the number of visible rocks.


A dusting of fresh snow at 770 metres. This bridge was clear of snow yesterday.


Cloud on Aonach Mor.


Cloud on Ben Nevis.

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