Just Another Inversion Day

20th December 2021

Another lovely day in the Lochaber hills today. The cloud layer was about 650 meters, everything above that level enjoyed a day of unbroken sunshine and light winds. It was very pleasant feeling! Despite the warm air, the snowpack remains hard, icy and frozen. Yesterday the top 22cm of the snowpack was frozen, the the snow surface temperature was -2.8 degrees C. Today in the same location the top 33cm of the snowpack was frozen, the the snow surface temperature was -5.6 degrees C. There had noticeably been more of a frost at mid height (600-800 metres altitude).

From the summit of Aonach Mor looking South West towards the Glen Coe hills. 

Looking South East over a sea of clouds. 

Looking North. The shadow of Aonach Mor is obvious, the shadows of Carn Mor Dearg and the Ben can be seen off to the left. 

Delicate ice crystal on a piece of wood at an altitude of about 650 meters. At this level there was on overnight frost, and being just above the cloud layer there was a lot more moisture available in the air at this level to form ice crystals. Pieces of wood near the summit were totally dry. 

Spot the mountain hare! A white coat does not help you blend in when there is not very much snow about. 

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