Rain, Wind and Avalanches
21st February 2020
Today there was a fair bit of wind, rain and avalanches. The freezing level rose up the summit early this morning, and heavy rain fell throughout the morning and early afternoon. The snowpack was saturated, and the burns in spate today. Walking up to the CIC hut I was slightly surprised to see that there was no avalanche debris below the Castle Gullies as they usually avalanche in conditions like these. A few hundred metres further on I heard deep rumble turned to see a substantial (size 2 or 3) avalanche come out of the mist and over the band of crags that are found below the Castle gullies. This would have released naturally due to the rain and mild conditions. There also looked to be a bit of derbis below No. 5 Gully, but it was hard to tell in the poor light. I suspect that there would have been more avalanche activity higher on the mountain, but was unable to see this.
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