Remaining Wintry.

3rd April 2018

Winter certainly seems to be hanging on here in Lochaber. There was a dusting of snow down to sea level first thing this morning. It then turned slightly milder, with the snow at sea level soon melting. However, on the hills light snow fell pretty much constantly through the morning and early afternoon. The snow and cloud made for some poor visibility at higher levels.

There was not much to see at 1200 metres today. If you squint at the picture you can just about make out the difference between the new snow and the slightly darker old snow.

A chilly minus five on the tops. That combined with the strong winds and constant snow made it feel pretty wintry.

The top gondola station at 650 metres. Visibility was a bit better at this level. However, it did snow constantly if lightly through much of the day.

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