A cold and sunny day

21st February 2018

A beautiful day in Lochaber with only a little summit cloud at times. The snowpack is quite well frozen so great for cramponning about. Not so good for skiing though…..

Climbers on White Shark, Aonach Mor

Still some big cornices around!

Runnels caused by melt water

Looking over towards the Grey Corries

Some climbers approaching the summit of Carn Mor Dearg

Carn Mor Dearg Arete

Cornice crack at Easy Gully, Aonach Mor. Compare to the picture from 17th February and you can see how much the cornice has slumped. The crack is very deep!

Looking south from Easy Gully, Aonach Mor. Fairly extensive debris visible in the corrie from the recent thaw

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