Winter returns.

19th February 2015

It was a fair bit colder than it was yesterday. Unsurprisingly, given the weather yesterday, there was a lot of water about when the freezing level dropped through the night. In flat area this has frozen solid, and combined with the poor visibility, gave parts of the Aonach Mor plateau the feeling of a frozen lake.

There were snow showers through the day. Although the fresh deposits were not very extensive, where they had accumulated the they were not very well bonded.

Icy surface on the Aonach Mor plateau.

Icy surface on the Aonach Mor plateau.

In some areas there was a thin layer of soft snow overlaying slush.

In some areas there was a thin layer of soft snow overlaying slush.

Cracking underfoot. The fresh windslab, although not extensive is not well bonded.

Cracking underfoot. The fresh windslab, although not extensive is not well bonded.

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