Lots of snow high up.
5th April 2009

Firstly sorry about the long time period since we last blogged, out camera got misplaced for a while. Have got it back now. Although it may not appear this way from the glens, there is still plenty of snow about high up in Lochaber. Conditions on many of the easy and mid grade gullies and ice routes high on the Ben and Aonach Mor are probabley quite good, if a little soft in places, at the moment. What’s more the crags are very quite (there was nobody climbing in Coire an Lochan of Aonach Mor today) and there is loads of daylight so you don’t even have to get up that early. Snow stability has generally been pretty good recently, but this can change rapidly if we have a big dump of fresh snow. Also be wary of cornice collapse and ice fall on those mild days.
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